Wednesday, November 24, 2010

tnyer je....

salam, pasal nak pi family trip ni..ade pe2 yg nak kena bawak ker tak...cmne aturcara trip yg wat..hehehhe

1 comment:

  1. salam... ye.. saya juga tertanya2 kerana sy dan alang aderlah ajk sukaneka... kakaka... apo nak di sukaneka an kek tiara tuh? kito main saidina ko.. uno ko yo la yo.. lawan antara family... kikiki... takdo idea we all doh... tlg la bg idea...

    pasal food.. smlm singgah umah bglong... for lunch we suggest each family to bring food for lunch..potluck. Since we can only check in around 2pm, so alang is suggesting apo lak tetibo ckp omputeh ni =P...kay.. kita picnic dulu pagi tuh... and boleh la buat sukaneka ko..apo ko.. kek beach tuh haa... if u all agree 2 come early laaa... if not... check in je la kol 2 tuh...
    for dinner alang suggest kita wat steamboat je... we will bring all the cooker and the pot.. kak mira will bring seafood.. udang and sotong.. and I will buy yg sewaktu dgn steamboat.. any objection or suggestion please raise b4 thursday okay...


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